Career Zone
Returner Opportunities
Returner Opportunities
How do we explain the blips, the bumps in the road, or the rewarding (and challenging!) experience of taking time out to care for family members, to employers and businesses who often have a myopic view of what a good CV should look like? Where do we go to when we reach a fork in the road, or hit a brick wall, and need unbiased yet sensible career advice?
When Inclusivity was formed we wanted to build a business that supports people to have long-term fulfilling careers even when bumps in the road appear. To embrace the chaos and the calm. We view it as your unique story and believe that a CV never tells more than half a story. We also believe in the role coaching can play to enable people to better meet the challenges that present along the way. We want to encourage everyone to play the long game when it comes to your career and believe that all problems have a solution.
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Next Webinar to be announced soon
Topic: Career Reignite Bootcamp
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This Bootcamp is for those who are seeking to either return to their career after a career break, or reignite their career after a period of time working in a role below their potential.
Inclusivity are specialists in running Returner programmes and specialists in supporting people to raise their aspirations for fulfilling careers.
Join us for a one hour jam-packed session where we share with you all our knowledge on how to not only access hidden employment opportunities, but to ensure you are the candidate who receives the offer. We will also cover what a Returner programme is, how they work and how to get yourself on one.