Tag Archive for: #career

(and things to consider next time!)

Returner programmes are becoming increasingly popular. Rightly so when one considers the enormous amount of talent estimated to be ready to reignite their career yet lacking in ways to access employment. PWC’s 2016 report titled the £1billion potential of Women Returners highlighted that a suspected 427,000 highly qualified women are currently on career breaks and ready to return. More and more companies are putting in place Returner programmes which is heartening to see but feedback from participants is that not all are set up for success.

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Where did my maternity leave go?

Does this sound familiar?

After child one, two, three or four (in fact, who’s counting?!) your maternity leave happens to extend into a career break, which leads to you becoming a full time mum and thus starts a blur of school runs, a feeling all you’re doing is constantly feeding your tribe and the fear you’ll never be capable or have the time to step back into the workplace?

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Women Returners -a success story

How to return to work after a career break – a success story

Nowadays parents constantly face the juggle of trying to ‘have it all’, a happy family life alongside a successful career, with many (women in particular) feeling that ultimate dream is beyond them. The worry of childcare and stress of finding flexible employment means many parents end up getting off their career ladder and staying at home with the children in their formative years.

Sound familiar?

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